About Me

Welcome to Supermom Fitness! I am the Mother to two beautiful children, the wife to a very lucky man and the owner of several successful businesses. I grew up on Vancouver Island, then moved to Dawson Creek, BC which is where my passion for fitness began. I was in an entirely new town and I didn’t know anyone so I quickly turned my free time into exercising from home and I fell in love! However, it felt like something was missing...I needed something more. I thrive by setting goals for myself. I joined a local gym and within a couple of months I discovered weightlifting! That lead to a very challenging but exciting transition. I took the plunge and enrolled in a bikini competition! I trained hard for approximately six months and bravely stepped on the stage for the first time and I knew it wouldn’t be my last. From that point on, I realized I had found my calling. I am a Certified Personal Trainer with CFES and ACE. I am also a certified Nutrition Coach with PN offering my services around the globe. When Covid-19 hit, I wasn’t sure how to move forward as I was no longer able to train in a gym. Then it came to me! Why not offer IN HOME TRAINING SESSIONS?! We were all stuck at home, so let’s make the best of it! My first program was so much more successful than I could have ever imagined. That success lead me to current day, with my new program already boasting over 150 participants! My mission is to improve YOUR health and focus on YOUR wellness requirements. I have been working out and training myself for 15 plus years and I want to share my knowledge and passion with YOU! Hard work pays off. I promise to help you achieve your goals and be beside you every step of the way! Amanda, xo